With a view of increasing the efficiency in first instance and appeal courts, EURALIUS in collaboration with the HJC organized on 18 and 20 October 2021 two brainstorming rounds with respectively judges of these court levels on the topic of enhancing efficiency of justice in the courts of Albania. More concretely, these events provided an excellent discussion forum on exploring possible steps/measures of organisational, legislative, and working method related nature, which may unburden the workload of judges.
The piloting with the Tirana District Court in the area of execution orders showed the potential efficiency gains through the standardization of administrative-judicial work and the delegation of certain tasks to judicial secretaries. By relieving the judge from several administrative duties, judges will have more possibilities to focus on their adjudicative tasks. A proper training and qualification of court staff such as judicial secretaries will result in efficiency gains of the courts and a swifter resolution of cases. These topics and other possible measures were extensively discussed with judges and HJC representatives, with a view of preparing a list of short-term and mid-term actions to be followed up by the HJC and/or the respective court councils. The HJC and respective court councils will need to give life to these proposals and follow them up adequately and uniformly in order to achieve the intended results.