On 11 March 2021 EURALIUS in cooperation with the School of Magistrates, the PAMECA V Project and the Italian Project CSM/AICS organized one day online training on Terrorism Criminal offenses in the field of terrorism and connection with organized crime. At this training the Judge at the International Criminal Court delivered a presentation on International Terrorism in practice: Criminological patterns and legal models. While, Expert from the Italian State Police, introduced Italian approach and experience in the link between terrorism and organised crime. Classification of terrorist groups, their profiles and criminal background, features of terrorist groups in Italy, and their evolution were some of the issues introduced to the target group. He also described the responsible law enforcement institutions and dedicated structures involved in the fight against terrorism in Italy. The training was attended by about 20 judges and prosecutors of general jurisdiction and Special Prosecution and Court against Corruption and Organised Crime, who were involved in lively and professional discussions.