With a view of increasing the quality of justice services, justice reform laws have introduced the requirement to establish initial and continuous training schemes for judicial civil servants. The HJC - assisted by EURALIUS and EWMI –INL -has elaborated respective curricula for the judicial civil servants, with a view of strengthening the capacities and professionalism of the judicial administration.
On 28 September 2021 the first pilot training was held as a result of this close and fruitful collaboration: The focus of this training were general court matters and principles of court administration. In total 26 judicial civil servants participated actively in the training. Further modules will be piloted several training sessions (to be held in October-November 2021) with juridical civil servants of courts of all jurisdictions and levels.
Notary inspection manual handover ceremony
On 24 September, at the premises of the National Chamber of Notaries and the National Training Centre for Notaries was held a reception for the formal handover of the Manual for the Inspection of the Notarial Activity. During the event the representatives of the Chamber and EURALIUS expressed the pleasure that the strong and close cooperation resulted in the adoption of the new Law on Notaries, the completion of the entire sublegal framework and the preparation and compilation of the inspection manual. The Chamber believes that the European standards and best practices implemented into the legal framework are having a highly positive impact in strengthening the notarial profession and in delivering better service to the public at large.