In the past years, EURALIUS experts have assisted the SoM in the important process of revision of initial training curricula. The revision of the curricula is considered pivotal for facing the challenges related to the increased number of candidate magistrates.
As a result of this close and fruitful collaboration, the SoM has now for the first time in its existence a concrete list of competences (knowledge, skill, attitude) which the candidate magistrate should have at the end of the initial training. The curricula of the first year are more user friendly (for the candidates and trainers) and allow for flexibility to meet the challenges of the increased number of candidate magistrates entering the SoM. The second year (pre-professional internship) was completely redesigned, with a view of making it more practice oriented such as the abolishment of the thesis, increase of the number of moot courts, prolongation of the duration of the pre-internship in the courts and prosecution offices and reshape of the theoretical courses.
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